FlexTrak bed carton flow is ideal for new or existing carton flow racks with variable SKU product lanes. Flextrak bed carton flow rack provides a full flow bed of carton flow. Since carton lanes are not predefined by roller width, no reconfiguration is required when carton and tote sizes change. Flextrak carton flow beds allow any product, tote, or carton to be placed in any location. Flextrak can be incorporated into pallet racks, mezzanines, replenish storage, and pick-to-light systems.
In order pick areas, Flextrak allows maximum flexibility of pick faces when pick lanes, SKU’s, carton size, and tote size change frequently. Flextrak bed carton flow minimizes operator interference as picking and restocking occurs at different ends of the carton flow racks.
- Installs in new or existing racking
- Drop-in design allows for easy addition to existing racking without the use of tools
- Laneless design accommodates changing product, tote, and carton dimensions allowing products to be placed in any carton flow bed location without lane reconfiguration.
- Carton flow trays act as a front-end stop
- Full flow bed of rollers provides flexible carton flow support and consistent carton flow